
We offer an embodied learning and healing pedagogy, rooted in Black, Indigenous, API, and People of Color cultural wisdom and practice. We believe healing is inextricable to anti-oppression work. We honor the wisdom of countless women and femmes from the Global Majority who have been lifting up a Healing Justice framework that acknowledges collective practices of healing as a critical political strategy in social justice movements.

Healing Justice Workshops

Healing Justice Workshops facilitate embodied anti-oppression learning and healing circles, informed by the wisdom of those most impacted, and rooted in Black, Indigenous, API, and People of Color cultural wisdom and practices. We offer seminars, workshops, and retreats. Our focus includes relearning truthful history, reconnecting with our traditions, and recovering healing tools to transform systems of oppression.

Check out some of the workshops/retreats we have offered in the past here.

Healing Justice Sanctuary

Healing Justice Sanctuary offers individual healing sessions in various Black, Indigenous, API, and People of Color ancestral healing modalities. By resourcing individuals in the movement and those most impacted by trauma and oppression with wellness tools, we strengthen our collective capacity, resilience, and effectiveness in our struggle for liberation. Our practitioners are trained in different BIPOC ancestral healing practices and ceremonies, including Traditional Asian Medicine, Curanderismo, Temazcal, Reiki, Therapeutic Qigong, Astrology, Spiritual Doulaship, Poetry Therapy, Massage Therapy, Sound and Movement Therapy, Restorative Justice Practices, and more.

Ancestral Healing School

Ancestral Healing School supports the cultivation of sacred reciprocity between healing practitioners and the lineages of their healing modalities. The school builds communities for healthy stewardship of Indigenous Healing Arts through ongoing teachings and mentorship from lineage wisdom keepers, as well as peer-to-peer support and accountability groups. This will allow movement healers to continue integrating and weaving intercultural medicine with quality, integrity, and authenticity.

Our Past Offerings

Sanctuary Housing

Since our inception in 2016, we provided wrap-around sanctuary housing to over 40 newly arrived migrant families and other low-income Black & Brown youth over 18, along with community-formed teams as case managers for each residential family/individual in the program. Due to COVID and the loss of physical rental space, we closed our sanctuary housing program in August of 2020.

Our Past Offerings

Community Medicinal Garden

As land stewardship became increasingly profit-driven and exploitative, we collaborated with other BIPOC grassroot orgs (Planting Justice, Roots of Labor Birthing Collective, Abundant Beginnings, Circulo de SanARTE) to create an intergenerational community medicinal garden to decolonize land and our diet. We grew and distributed ancestral medicinal food to the community, and offered workshops/ seminars to regain our ancestral food knowledge and promote collective wellness.

Our Past Offerings

In Response to COVID

In response to COVID-19, we suspended all of our non-essential activities on site in order to provide safe shelter for traveling healthcare providers and vulnerable families. We also expanded our 2,000 sq. ft. community garden into a food and medicine solidarity land project to address food insecurity. In collaboration with Mijente, our food and medicine solidarity land project built a network of "mutual support pods" throughout Fruitvale, San Antonio and East Oakland. We offered many community healing and connection virtual spaces.

Upcoming & Past Offerings

Healing Justice Series
Healing Justice Series
April 27, 2024
A 2-Part Series on African, Indigenous, and Asian community healing, featuring ancestral foods, altar-making, ceremonial dance, drumming, herbal medicine-making and more!
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Oakland Wellness Fair
Oakland Wellness Fair
April 14, 2024
Free wellness sessions for the immigrant communities. Sessions include Massage Therapy, Herbal Consultation, and Energetic Healing. Interpretations available in Mam and Spanish
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Theater of the Oppressed Conflict Embodiment Lab
Theater of the Oppressed Conflict Embodiment Lab
April 4, 2024
A bilingual workshop exploring two Theater of the Oppressed techniques to deepen understanding of how we move in the world and process the internal messages and tensions that we carry
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Reconnecting to Our Roots
Reconnecting to Our Roots
March 11, 2024
A 5-day immersive anti-oppression course for Asian American youth
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Winter Restorative Retreat for QTBIPOC
Winter Restorative Retreat for QTBIPOC
December 9, 2023
A winter restorative retreat to nourish your tender heart. We will gather to honor our individual and collective need for rest, reflection, and community building. This space is open to all BIPOC Queer, Trans, Gender Expansive, Two Spirit people who are interested in earth-based and embodied practices of freedom.
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Sacred Root's Healing Sanctuary Danza Ceremonia
Sacred Root's Healing Sanctuary Danza Ceremonia
September 30, 2023
A Danza Ceremonia with Calulli Huey Papalotl
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Mindful Herb & Flower Identification Hike
Mindful Herb & Flower Identification Hike
August 19, 2023
Join Sacred Roots healer, Lidia Ruelo-Salazar, for a free nature hike to learn about the herbs and flowers that have supported us since the beginning of time. Lidia is a queer herbalist, healing practitioner/curandera, and community organizer. Through sacred rituals and herbal remedies rooted in her indigenous Mexican heritage, she holds and facilitates a trauma-informed healing space with sacred rituals and herbal remedies for individuals and groups.
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Asian American Qigong Class
Asian American Qigong Class
July 22, 2023
A monthly Asian American Qigong class with Sally Chang, a Taiwanese queer martial artist, educator, acupuncturist, and founder of Evergreen Taiji Academy
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Reiki Class with Angela Omulepu
Reiki Class with Angela Omulepu
May 21, 2023
Want to engage in social change by leveraging energy to impact change at a vibrational level? Join us in learning about this powerful ancient hands-on healing modality that heals holistically—body/mind/soul—through the transmission of 'universal life force energy' This Reiki I Class will be taught by Sacred Roots healer, Angela Omulepu
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Grief Circle - A Sacred Communal Wellness Practice
Grief Circle - A Sacred Communal Wellness Practice
November 6, 2022
join us as we re-learn how to move grief out of the body, using the body's own wisdom in movements and sound. Grieving together with the support of one another is an effective, sacred practice that is indigenous to many cultures.
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